November 2

100 WC

October 30 , 1987.

“Caleb , lets go swimming later. ” ,  ” No , lets go swimming!” ,  “I just said that. ” ,  ” I know.” Both chuckle. ” But wait , tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of my brothers death , well my parent won’t be here so…okay. ”

October 31 , 1987

Kristen had worn a white shirt and shorts and Caleb did to!  All day they swam in the water ,  Caleb kept saying flame all day as well. Caleb and Kristen had returned home later on .

November 1 , 1987

” Yes mother I celebrated why wouldn’t I ?” ” Okay bye. ” ” Bye.” Kristen looked at her brothers pictured and left the smiling knowing he is in a better place.